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This Day In Comedy: February 14

On: Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Born this day in 1945 or 1947, Blowfly (Clarence Reid) is 72, Cochran, Georgia, parody singer.
clarence-reid blowfly clarence-reid cameo

Born this day in 1927, Earle Doud, New York City, New York writer, parody albums. He died 10/19/1998 at age 71.
Earle Doud cameo
Born this day in 1894, Jack Benny (Benjamin Kubelsky) Chicago, Illinois, 5'8" vaudevillian, comedian, radio, television & film actor. He died 12/26/1974 from pancreatic cancer at age 80.
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Born this day in 1948, Jackie Martling (John Coger Martling Jr.), aka "The Joke Man", is 69, Mineola, New York, on Long Island comedian, writer Howard Stern Show. 
jackie-martling-head- cameo
Born this day in 1970, Simon Pegg (Simon John Beckingham), aka "The Fresh Peg", is 47, Brockworth, Gloucestershire 5'9" comedian and actor.
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Died this day in 1971, Belle Barth (Annabelle Salzman) East Harlem, New York comedian of  1950s & 60s, known for bawdy, irreverent humor. Born 04/27/1911, she died of cancer at age 59.
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