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Born this day in 1963, Dave Foley (David Scott Foley) Etobicoke, Ontario, Canada , is 54. Comedian, writer, director, and producer best known for his work in The Kids in the Hall, News Radio, A Bug's Life.
Born this day in 1917, Jesse White (Jesse Marc Weidenfeld) of Buffalo, NY. A comic actor, Maytag Man, he died 01/06/1997 from a heart attack at age 80.
On this day in 1957, 55 years ago, TV sit-com Blondie premieres on NBC TV, later on CBS.
Died this day in 1978, Billy Gray, comedian & one-time owner of the Band Box, a comedy club previously owned by Lou Costello. Played The Baby on the Eddie Cantor Radio Show. Born 03/17/1904, he died at age 73.
Died this day in 1998, Mae Questel , cartoon voice of Betty Boop and Olive Oyl. She Also Played Woody Allen's Mother In "New York Stories." Born 09/13/1908, she died from Alzheimer's at age 89.
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