There are NO LINKS to MP3 files on this blog.
This blog is for information only!
All Are Welcome!
Howard Gerald Clower
Liberty, Mississippi USA
Sep 28 1926 – Aug 24 1998 age 71
01 Freckles
02 Mike
03 Little Dogs and Big Dogs
04 Brummie and the Okra
05 Nicki
06 The Newgene Lying Ledbetter
07 Ole Highball
08 Ol' Blue
09 The Magic Wand
10 The L. Su. Clock
11 Employment Office
12 Loyalty
13 The Go Gitter
14 Justice for All
Some pretty funny mug shots of man's best friend. What a guilty looking bunch!
Eddie Lawrence
Lawrence Eisler
aka The Old Philosopher
Mar 02 1919 - Mar 25 2014 age 95
Official Site
01 The Old Philosopher 3:17
02 The Good Old Days (Rock and Roll) 3:51
03 The Jazzy Old Philosopher 5:18
04 No Business 3:34
05 The Old Philosopher At Home 3:02
06 That There Hamlet 4:15
07 Lord Bellyacher 3:51
08 Television Highlights 4:14
09 The Son of the Philosopher 3:05
10 Calling All Dogs 2:48
11 Apartment Hunting 2:58
12 The Deejays' Philosopher 3:33
13 Piano Interlude / The Old Philosopher 1:41
14 The Cool Philosopher 5:18
15 Golden Boskos 3:18
16 Longhair Philosopher 5:43
17 The Very Jazzy Old Philosopher 5:27
18 Stay Way Away 3:38
19 Show Biz Philosopher 4:16
20 Our Little Cigarette Girl 8:31
21 The Inflated Philosopher 5:38
22 Memories of Louise 4:04
23 The Tourist Philosopher 4:24
24 The DJ Philosopher Returns 2:55
25 The Philosopher Twist 2:29
26 Doctor's Philosopher 2:49
27 Stay Away 2:46
28 Football Philosopher 2:33
29 Kiddie Philosopher 2:31
30 Blackouts of 1984 3:36
31 Mother Philosopher 3:03
32 The New Philosopher 3:38
33 Bobby Prune Speaks Out 2:53
34 Piano Interlude / Red Dragon Blues 1:22
35 Stay Far Away 3:14
36 The Old Philosopher and the Single Girl 2:53
37 King Arthur's Mines 3:37
38 The Philosopher Fights Back 3:03
39 Gay Paree 2:24
40 The Old Philosopher On the Range 3:08
41 The Philosopher Strikes Back 2:44
42 Miss Transylvania 2:18
43 The Salesman Philosopher 3:03
44 World's Fair Philosopher 3:10
45 What Do You Want for Christmas? 2:05
Humourous Bits
Coral Records
His Other Albums are "tagged" at the bottom of this post
Space Philosopher (45) 1958 |
.JPG) |
German Baseball (45) 1957 |
.jpg) |
Suburban Philosopher (45) 1961 |
Fix Your Watch (45) 1957 |
Mets Philosophy (45) 1963 |
Old Vienna Concluded (45) 1954 |
Outta This World (45) 1958 |
We Love Yuh Mets (45) 1963 |
Jimmy Nelson
Jimmy Nelson
Dec 15 1928 -
Jimmy was ten years old, his aunt won a toy ventriloquist's dummy named
"Dummy Dan" in a Bingo game and gave it to her nephew for Christmas. He
learned ventriloquism, and a year later, his father upgraded the
dummy's mouth control from a simple string-and-loop to a lever-system
like those used in professional ventriloquist's dummies.
began taking "Dan" to school, where his fourth-grade teacher allowed
him to use the dummy when speaking in front of the class. In this way,
Nelson taught himself to overcome his fear of public speaking. He soon
started using jokes in his presentation, discovering he could make his
classmates laugh.
then started performing for church groups, schools and American Legion
posts. By the time he was a teenager, he started earning money competing
in amateur talent contests held at the local movie theaters, where the
prize was five dollars for the most popular act. ~Wikipedia
01 First Lesson, Position of the Mouth, Beginner's or Simple Alphabet
02 Difficult Letter, Letter "B"
03 Letter F
04 Letter M
05 Letter V
06 Letter "W" and "Y"
07 Review and Ventriloquil Voice
08 Last Lesson
09 Instant Ventriloquism, Explanation
10 Routine For Danny O'Day
11 Routine For Farfel
12 Routine for Danny O'Day and Farfel
Includes script (click images to open)
Thanks Dr Forrest's Cheeze Factory!
His other material on this blog is "tagged" at the bottom of this post
Jimmy Nelson's Ventriloquism 2 1966 |
Fun & Games & Lots Of Laughs, Jokes and Riddles 1960s |
Joke Along With Jimmy Nelson 1962 |
.JPG) |
Joke Along With Jimmy Nelson 1962 |
Ventriloquist Sketch (78) 1950s |