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All Are Welcome!
David Adkins
Benton Harbor, Michigan, USA
Nov 10 1956 -
Official Site
Experience veteran comedian Sinbad as he returns to his college town of Denver and performs at the Paramount Theatre for this next installment of his famed HBO Comedy Specials. Sinbad: Son of a Preacher Man is a self-styled monologue that comments on the perils of skiing, para-sailing during a bad vacation, fashion trends in lingerie, and more!
01 Soundtrack
Clay Tyson
Birth name
Official Site
At The Howard Theatre, Washington DC
01 Side 1
02 Side 2
Columbia CL-744
His other material on this blog is "tagged" at the bottom of this post
Straight From The Horse's Mouth 1967 |
Laugh Your Ass Off 1973 |
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Mike Nichols
Michael Igor Peschkowsky
Nov 06 1931 -
Official Site
Elaine May
Elaine Berlin
aka Esther Dale
Apr 21 1932 -
Official Site
Mike Nichols and Elaine May were a comedy team for a short time – from 1957 through 1962. Their recorded output was tiny – just three LP’s: Improvisations To Music (1959), which, powered by the team’s television appearances, became a ‘top forty’ LP; An Evening With Nichols and May, which contained excerpts from their hit Broadway show of 1960, and their final record, Nichols and May Examine Doctors, from 1961.
Nichols and May were improvisational situation comedians: sophisticated, funny, and cool. They appealed not only to adults, but also to kids. Steve Martin says that each routine was “…like a song – you could listen to it over and over. I used to go to sleep to them at night.”
The ten sketches on the final album, …Examine Doctors, were originally recorded for “the greatest show in network radio history” – Monitor, an NBC extravaganza that ran pretty much the entire weekend, pretty much across the country, from 1955 through 1975. At its peak, the monitor beacon could be heard for forty hours, from 8 a.m. Saturday morning through midnight Sunday. If you’d like to listen to excerpts from Monitor, you’ll need Real Player and Dennis Hart’s Monitor site.
Nichols and May were Monitor regulars for a couple of years. The ten tracks on the …Examine Doctors LP are but a small fraction of their work for Monitor. The rest remains unreleased, which is a shame, because it may well be some of their very best work. See if you agree.. Isnt'LifeTerrible
01 Bringing Home An Elk
02 Dolphins
03 Nobody Here Likes You
04 Game Show Scandals
05 Fritzi, Is That You
06 On The Train Part 1
07 On The Train Part 2
08 Willya Or Woncha
09 Traveling Amalgamated
10 Dating Cynthia
11 On The Train Part 3
12 Professor Cole And Doctor Wasserman
13 I Love Your Work
14 New Year's Resolution
15 Compatible
16 The Rehearsal
17 Osbert Calls Edith
18 Interior Decorator
19 The Art Buyer
20 Air Conditioner Repair
Monitor Sunday afternoon and evening staff in Radio
Central, 1957. From left: Frank Gallop, Lorna Lynn
(Monitor Medley Girl), Dave Garroway, Tedi
Thurman (Miss Monitor), and Ben Grauer. |
21 Apartment Agent
22 Hair Or Hat
23 False Teeth
24 Thirsty
25 Halavah Plantation
26 Annoying Seatmate
27 Jack Fagen Interviews Barbara Mush
28 Mrs Fenn Patron Of The Arts
29 Tough To Get Good Help These Days
30 Nichols And May Interview
31 Rca Window Washer
32 At The Movies
33 Tattoo
34 Wonderful News
35 Judo Class
36 Agricultual Independence
37 Politician
38 Artist
39 Spies
40 Buying A Tie
41 Fresh Paint
42 Doing The Bard
43 New Clothing
44 At Camp
45 Moose
46 Sexy Voice
47 Anna Mae Wong
48 The Sealed Bathroom
49 Clothing Malfunction
50 Psychiatrist
51 British Ennui
52 Fern Escapes
53 White House Laundress
54 Keep It Under Your Hat
55 Successful Director
56 The New Baby
57 I Love Lucy
58 Labor And Management
59 You're Snoring
60 Tallest Man In The World
61 Happy Birthday
62 Where's My Sheet
63 Your New Beaver
64 Bringing People Home For Dinner
65 About That Moustache
66 The Sick Mouse
67 Christmas Gift
68 Bad Cough
69 Selective Hearing
70 1200 Frogs
71 American Legionaire
72 David Ben Gurion (Outtake)
73 It's Not Nancy
74 My Chosen Career
75 Taxi To Rockefeller Center
76 Mike And Elaine On Person To Person
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* * *
Their other albums on this blog are HERE
Al Clouston was a Canadian storyteller and humourist known as "Uncle Al." He was popular at conventions during the time he worked as a travelling businessman and owner of John Clouston Ltd. of St. John's, Newfoundland. He retired in 1975 and became a best-selling author of comedy books. In 1980, his comedy album Cinderelly was nominated for a Canadian Juno Award. His other albums included Spinn'Yarns and Come 'er till I tell You. ~Wikipedia
Recorded at the Anglican Church Hall, Lewisporte, Notre Dame Bay, Newfoundland.
Side 1
01 Big Mout's, The Hi-Q, Fresh Air 6:2
02 Paid Fer Ut, Dee-ciples On Say Galilay, The H'Anglican Minister 5:21
03 Picture Tube, False Alarms, You Werks Fer D'Govament, Agin' D'Current Did Or 'Live 6:20
Side 2
01 Turr Shootin', Zound Bone, The Cat 5:48
02 Short Cut Through Graveyard, Sin Jahn's Streetcar, Two Roosters 3:11
03 Proper T'ing, 'Tis A Negg
04 45 And 45 Makes 90 1:43
05 Eel Skin Story 4:23
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His other albums on this blog are "tagged" at the bottom of this post WANTED
Andrew Dice Clay
Andrew Clay Silverstein
Sep 29 1957 -
For a few years, starting in 1989, comedian Andrew Dice Clay was one of the biggest stars around. He was packing arenas on tour, and few standup comics have ever reached that level of fame. But just as quickly as his star rose, it burned out after a controversial appearance on Saturday Night Live and the box-office failure of 1990's The Adventures of Ford Fairlane (although it has become something of a cult film). He was so big that an entire episode of the sitcom Night Court was built around the criticism of a character blatantly based on him. Clay's real name is Andrew Clay Silverstein, and he had small supporting TV and movie roles before his standup career took off. His "character" -- alternately known as just "Dice" or "the Diceman" -- is a leather-clad, chain-smoking, macho Brooklyn jerk spewing misogynistic, racist, and homophobic rants. It's all captured on his gold-selling live 1989 debut album, Andrew Dice Clay (also known as Dice. The thing is, Clay doesn't really do "jokes" per se. So, is he actually funny? Yes and no. He's wildly uneven. Whether his schtick mocks or emboldens white men who really hold these views is up for debate. The persona is the joke, although he does land some solid punches in his routine when he focuses. His most famous and funny bit, "Mother Goose," is a string of X-rated versions of nursery rhymes. "Doctors and Nurses" tackles the indignities of a medical exam. "The Golden Age of Television" includes jabs at The Beverly Hillbillies and I Dream of Jeannie. Sex is a major theme throughout, of course, and "Couples in Love," "The Bait," and "Hoggin'" generate guilty laughs while guaranteeing he'll never be the guest of honor at a National Organization for Women dinner. Looking back, Clay's rise and fall mirrored the culture -- the end of the freewheeling, do-everything-to-excess 1980s and the beginning of the woe-is-me-I'm-gonna-stare-at-my-shoes-and-mope, politically correct 1990s. He continued his TV and movie work and relaunched his standup career with a fraction of his past success. Andrew Dice Clay seems destined to remain his mainstream peak. ~AllMusic
01 What If the Chick Gets Pregnant... 1:40
02 Mother Goose 3:27
03 A Day At the Beach 2:38
04 Moby and the Japs 0:51
05 Doctors and Nurses 1:38
06 Smokin' 2:11
07 The Attitude 1:54
08 No Pity 1:04
09 The Golden Age of Television 1:52
10 Speedin' 1:26
11 Couples In Love 3:31
12 When I Was Young 2:09
13 Shampoo 0:48
14 Joey 2:07
15 The Bait 2:31
16 Masturbation 1:31
17 Hoggin 3:20
18 No Guilt 2:54
Dave Toole, Dan Rupple. Larry Watt replaced by Mitch Teemley
Birth name
Official Site
In 1978, Issac Air Freight recorded their first album entitled FUN IN THE SON. It was an immediate best seller among contemporary Christian audiences and by the time IN THE AIR/ON THE AIR, their second album (and first after the departure of friend Larry Watt) was released, the group’s touring schedule had grown enormously, and with it, the appeal for their insightful comic vision. 1980 brought the release of FOOLISH GUYS...TO CONFOUND THE WISE, an album aimed at the spiritual center of contemporary life, both inside and outside the church; a powerful statement in laughter.
In 1981, Dan and Dave began work on THE ISAAC AIR SHOW, a highly successful daily radio feature. The program was syndicated nation-wide on over 120 stations. The most popular selections from the show gave birth to two more albums, SNOOZE YA LOOZE and MY KINGDOM COME/THY KINGDOM COME.
Extensive touring and numerous television projects brought the group widespread recognition not only within the Gospel industry, but with a national, mainstream audience. Their growing popularity brought two more albums aimed at this audience outside the church walls. THE FREIGHT’S DESIGNER ALBUM (1985) and OVER OUR HEADS (1987) revealed their growth as artists and as communicators.
01 Comedy Odyssey
02 Are You A Fool?
03 Generic Phone Company
04 Montague
06 Spouse’s Super Bowl
07 Ed Herman’s Talk Radio
08 Fadscene
09 What’s Gospel To You?
10 Leave It To Squirrellie (Stuck With Eddie)
Christian Skit Comedy
Maranatha! Music
Thanks Bob H!
Judy Tenuta
Judy Tenuta
Nov 07 1956 -
of the offensive, politically incorrect material in this album was
dictated by the evil voices in Judy Tenuta's head. She has returned to
her semi-sweet, sassy self and is ready to mystify her minions of mortal
01 Song: Boss of the Bed
02 Energy Crisis, Calista
03 Outfit: Barbra & Cher
04 Letters: Why No Sitcom?
05 Song: I Can Tell
06 No Fat Pigs in Coach
07 Givers and Takers
08 What Women Want
09 Do Not Take Us Camping
10 Song: Too Small
11 Happily Married, Viacreme
12 Seigfried & Roy
13 Letters & Song: Mass Murderer
14 Michigan & Martha Stewart
15 Clone Sheep & The White House
16 Letter: Straight/Gay Song: Undercover
17 Sassy Bonus Track
* * *
Hers other material on this blog is "tagged" at the bottom of this post
Un-Butt Plugged In Tex-Ass 1999 |
Murray Roman
Birth name
New York, USA
Mar 08 1929 – Nov 06 1973 age 44
Out of Control was the first Murray Roman record and his only release pre-dating his position as darling of the acid rockers. Released at a time when even the most failed comedy lounge act put out a wax version of their performance, Roman’s initial record quickly drifted off into a vinyl no-mans-land. The album, unheard by this writer, is hard to come by, but likely resembles the non-drug related musings on ERA Records’ At The Playboy Club Tonight [Jack] Burns and [George] Carlin. In both examples, no one could’ve guessed what was to come based on these vinyl debuts. Out of Control had Roman performing mostly jokes about skiing and other winter activities. It was later re-issued under the title Ski Humor. Following the release of the album, Roman made his first appearance on television, performing innocuous observational humor on The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson. It would be his first and final appearance in front of a Tonight Show audience as the marijuana, LSD and insanity of Johnson and Nixon were about to permanently affect the Roman outlook. Roman’s future employer, Tom Smothers, described what the early Murray Roman act was like. “I saw him perform … nineteen… sixty-one… in Aspen, Colorado and he did ski jokes. Y’know, skiing jokes [and] snow jokes. And I met him there. Aspen became a little bit of a place you’d go and work for nothing … and do comedy or music and work the season up there. I think he only worked one season up there and of course, when you’re there you pick up on what’s going on [around you]. So he did a ski album … I don’t remember hearing that one but I remember him doing a piece of that on our show one time … It wasn’t particularly great.” Steve Martin recalls the subversive Roman doing the bit on The Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour. “There was one [episode] called The Writers’ Show and all the writers appeared… Mason Williams and me and Murray Roman. I remember Tommy kind of playfully kidded him because Murray was a real spokesman for being tough and saying the honest thing. Then on The Writers’ Show, Murray elected to do a ski routine… and Tommy kind of berated him in a friendly way saying, ‘You’re the one who is always saying we should go out there [and push the envelope] and you did like the safest routine possible!” Shock.
01 Aspen, Colorado 5:33
02 No U Turns 1:56
03 Getting Equipped 3:22
04 First Day 7:10
05 Second Day 2:58
06 Midway On The Lift 6:20
07 Third Day 6:39
08 Coward 5:50
09 Ski-Bum 2:33
Everest LPBR 9005
Thanks daddio52!
His other material on this blog is HERE
The following are WANTED