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Ivor Cutler
Jan 15 1923 - Mar 03 2006 age 83
Ivor Cutler's final album for Virgin Records, 1976's Jammy Smears,
is one of the best releases of his career. Kicking off with the jazzy
piano tune "Bicarbonate of Chicken," a funny and bizarre dialogue with a
waiter, the album runs through 31 brief songs, poems, and surreal short
stories like the hilarious "Big Jim." About evenly split between
recitations and songs like the catchy shaggy dog story "Barabadabada"
and the oddly philosophical "Everybody Got," Jammy Smears features more of Cutler's piano playing than any of his albums other than 1967's jazz trio album Ludo. His trademark droning harmonium makes only a small handful of appearances. As on its predecessor, 1975's Velvet Donkey, Cutler's friend Phyllis April King reads five of her own poems and a short story, "The Wasted Call," on Jammy Smears, all of them based on life in and around a cottage in Dorset. Because most of Cutler's
pieces this time out share the rural theme, with an episode of his
ongoing Life in a Scotch Sitting Room, Volume Two centered around a
family walk in the country and several poems and stories about birds,
bugs, and other wildlife, King's contributions are much more smoothly
integrated with the whole than they had been on Velvet Donkey. Cutler's usual morbid obsessions crop up infrequently, making Jammy Smears one of his sunniest and most playful albums.
01 Bicarbonate of Chicken 0:50
02 Filcombe Cottage, Dorset 0:22
03 Squeeze Bees 2:24
04 The Turn 0:30
05 Life in a Scotch Sitting Room, Volume Two, Episode Eleven 3:54
06 A Linnett 0:25
07 Jumping and Pecking 0:44
08 The Other Half 0:46
09 Beautiful Cosmos 2:10
10 The Path 0:40
11 Barabadabada 1:02
12 Big Jim 3:01
13 In the Chestnut Tree 1:29
14 Dust 1:02
15 Rubber Toy 2:03
16 Unexpected Join 0:08
17 A Wooden Tree 0:12
18 When I Stand on an Open Cart 2:13
19 High Is the Wind 0:38
20 The Surly Buddy 1:26
21 Pearly-Winged Fly 4:16
22 Garden Path at Filcombe 0:41
23 Paddington Town 0:40
24 Cage of Small Birds 1:34
25 Life in a Scotch Sitting Room, Vol. 2 EP.6 0:18
26 Irk 3:09
27 Lemon Flower 0:23
28 Red Admiral 1:02
29 Everybody Got 0:47
30 The Wasted Call 2:08
31 Wasted Call 4:26
Flip Wilson
Clerow Wilson Jr
Dec 08 1933 - Nov 25 1998 age 64
Official Site
Cast in the mold of Bill Cosby, Flip Wilson was one of the most popular comics in the late '60s and early '70s, propelled by frequent appearances on The Ed Sullivan Show and talk shows. His star rose to the top with the very successful Flip Wilson Show, which often featured the comedian in the guise of Geraldine, a hip, sassy Black woman. "The devil made me do it" became a major catchphrase at the time. His records highlight Wilson during the early years as well as when his show was popular, with Flip; the Flip Wilson Show and Geraldine; Don't Fight the Feeling, featuring actual skits and guests from the show
01 Geraldine Honey 0:43
02 The Bunny Club (feat. Bing Crosby) 6:32
03 Don't Fight the Feeling 3:16
04 The Perfect Secretary (feat. Ruth Buzzi & Tim Conway) 9:40
05 Complaint Department (feat. Phyllis Diller, Billy Eckstine & Tony Randall) 10:03
06 Killer 1:56
07 Chicken Delicious (feat. Jim Brown) 9:30
* * *
Thanks daddio52!
His other material on this blog is HERE
Billy Connolly
William Connolly Jr
Nov 24 1942 -
Billy Connolly's career as a singer, comedian, and television personality has taken him from the shipyards of the clyde to the stages of the world, an unlikely story given his impenetrable Glaswegian brogue and regional nature of his humor. After quitting his shipbuilding job, his first break came in the Humblebums, a musical duo with another star, Gerry Rafferty. As the monologues between songs became longer, Connolly decided to develop his own act and concentrate solo on the spoken word. These 1974 recordings stem from the tours that made Billy Connolly the comic a household name, even if they meant Connolly the musician was to take a back seat from then on.

01 Glasgow Accents... Nine And A Half Guitars 9:19
02 Maries's Wedding (Musical Appreciation) 9:32
03 The Jobbie Weecha!!! 16:06
04 The Short-Haired Police Cadet 3:06
05 Harry Campbell And The Heavies 7:14
06 Leo McGuire's Story 3:29
07 A Life In The Day Of 11:44
08 Steel Wellies? 4:13
09 Mystery Two 3:50
Dr Murray Banks
Birth name
? - 2008
Official Site
Dr. Murray Banks was one of the most sought after speakers in America in
the 1950/60s. He is amusing, exciting, always thought-provoking, and
never fails to leave his audiences happier and more inspired. Dr. Banks
is a clinical psychologist, and was formerly a full professor of
psychology at Long Island University, and at Pace College, NYC, where he
headed the psychology department for over five years. He has also been a
visiting professor and special lecturer on various subjects at the
University at North Carolina, New York University, Temple University,
New Jersey State Teachers College, University of Pittsburgh, and
Brooklyn College. He is a graduate of New York and Columbia
Universities, and did his clinical psychopathology study at Bellevue
Hospital in New York City. He spends most of his time dispensing "sugar
coated pills" on lecture platforms throughout America.

01 Side 1
02 Side 2
Murmil Associates MB-105A
Thanks daddio52!
Howard Gerald Clower
Liberty, Mississippi USA
Sep 28 1926 – Aug 24 1998 age 71
Clower was known as one of the country's top comedian, but he also
wrote a number of books. He is not only known for his comedy, but also
for his religious influence. He was born in Liberty, Mississippi, and
grew up in Amite County among family and friends who became the source
of his funny routines. After he graduated from high school in l944, he
joined the navy. Soon after he was discharged, he earned a football
scholarship at Southwest Junior College. Later, he won another
scholarship to MSU in Starkville, Mississippi.
Jerry majored in agriculture at Mississippi State and received a job
with Mississippi Chemical Company where he became the Director of Field
Services for his company. While working, he gained popularity when his
coworkers heard his Coon Hunt Story and other comedy routines. One of
his close friends suggested that Clower record an album with some of his
routines. Jerry liked the idea and recorded an album under the Lemon
His first album was named Jerry Clower from Yazoo City Talkin', and it
sold over 8,000 copies without being advertised. He received a contract
with MCA in l97l, which sent his album to the billboard charts. Soon
after, he recorded a second album, From the Mouth of Mississippi. His
third album was called Clower Power, and his fourth was Live in
Picayune. As a result of these albums, he earned the title of Country
Music's funniest man.
wrote several books. Let the Hammer Down is a collection of humorous
events and funny anecdotes. Other books he wrote include Ain't God
Good!, Life Everlaughter, and Stories from Home. He made more than
thirty-two recordings and several videos. He was a member of the Grand
Ole Opry until he died. In conclusion, Jerry Clower led a successful
life as both a businessman and comedian. To many people, Jerry Clower
was one of the funniest men who has ever lived.
01 Opening 1:05
02 My First Tuxedo 2:03
03 Marcel And The City Fella 1:12
04 The New Chandelier 1:46
05 The Furniture Disease 0:32
06 Clovis Goes To Court 2:07
07 The Resort Hotel 4:09
08 Bunkum Vote 2:18
09 The Burning Building 2:28
10 Claude And The Game Warden 1:48
11 Funeral Procession 1:07
12 Marcel's Plantation 1:40
13 Boiled Ocra 1:06
14 Why Can't Johnny Read 6:25
15 The Johnson Grass 1:28
16 Marcel And The Armadillo 1:16
17 Sittin' Up With The Dead 4:06
Justin Wilson
Justin E. Wilson
Apr 24 1914 - Sep 05 2001 age 87(2001-09-05)(1914-04-24) -
The first time I saw Justin (Yoo-stahn) Wilson on PBS with his cooking show, I said "My Goodness! I grew up listening to his humor!!" People thought I was making it up!
This album is close to his first record if not the very first- I remember my family listening to "cousin Justin" at LEAST in the early '60s, so 1961 is probably the right date for this album. If you can EVER get a copy, DO IT! You'll never regret it! -Amazon customer
01 The Front End
02 Hotel
03 Dynamite
04 Cajun Basketball Game
05 Declaration Of Independence
06 Drunk Driver
07 Auto Transport Driver
08 Indecent Exposure
09 A Father Teaches Son To Hunt
10 Sweater Girl
11 Adventures Of A Furniture Man
12 Barroom
13 Duck Hunt
14 The Behind End
Ember ELP-801
Pigmeat Markham
Dewey Markham
aka David Markham
Durham, North Carolina, USA
Apr 18 1904 – Dec 13 1981 age 77
Official Website
Recorded at the Apollo Theater, New York City February 20 to 22 1965

01 A Lesson In Love 5:47
02 The Girl In Distress 5:38
03 Sleepwalker 4:25
04 The Traveling Salesman 5:47
05 Insane Asylum 4:30
06 The Work Turns 6:30
Chess LP-1493
His other albums on this blog are "tagged" at the bottom of this post
Anything Goes With Pigmeat 1962
Jive Talk 1991 |
Live At The Apollo 1994 |
See See Rider / You've Been A Good Old Wagon (78) 1950s |
The Trial 1961 |
Would The Real Pigmeat Markham Please Sit Down 1973
Let's Have Some Heat (45) |
My Wife No, I Ain't Seen Her 1 & 2 (45) |
Pig's Popcorn (45) 1969 |
The Hip Judge (45) 1968 |