
Saturday, March 3, 2012

Battle Of Wits

I'm Too Sexy...
Regular visitors to our home are familiar with Romeo, one of our two loving Pit Bulls.
Our daily competition starts at the crack of dawn (that’s where they found Tony Orlando.) I enjoy a morning coffee with one cookie; he covets that cookie. I believe that’s one of the doggie commandments.
There’s a daily battle of wits, me trying to sneak a snack without him taking it and Romeo, mooch pooch deluxe, trying to catch me.
Sweeet Hearted Romeo
Plotting His Next Ambush
This morning I tried to sneak my one cookie, taking a bite while in the kitchen out of sight, then walking to the dining room with the cookie hidden in my hand held tightly against my leg.  Dear Romy coordinates his attack, meeting me at the chair, feigning interest in ME by reaching up to “kiss” me, and I expect a lick on the face. Instead, he smells my lips, his head jerks back and he furrows his brow. He-satisfied, me-caught. He whimpers and my shoulders slump, beaten again in the battle for the remains of my one cookie. Romeo-1, Jim-0.

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