
Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Lord Buckley - So You Thought Hip Was New, Ivar Concert Feb 12 1959

Lord Buckley
Richard Myrle Buckley
Apr 05 1906 - Nov 12 1960 age 54

Hip Poet and american monologist, Lord Buckley very much enjoyed smoking marijuana. He wrote reports of his first experiences with LSD, under the supervision of Dr. Oscar Janiger, and of his trip in a United States Air Force jet.
In October 1960 he was scheduled to play club dates and do another Ed Sullivan show in New York, but his New York City Cabaret Card was seized, purportedly because of a 1941 arrest for cannabis possession. Such cards were necessary to appear in nightclubs and were often withheld for political reasons, and as a way to solicit payoffs. Without the card he was unable to perform. He attempted to get the card reinstated and more than three dozen major figures in the entertainment and arts world showed up for a hearing on the matter. Buckley died at Columbus Hospital. A hearing held two days after his death turned into a raucous confrontation between Police Commissioner Stephen Kennedy and Buckley's friends and supporters, including Quincy Jones, George Plimpton, Norman Mailer and Norman Podhoretz. The scandal of Buckley's death, attributed at least in part to his loss of the card, led to the removal of Kennedy and the abolition of the cabaret card system. Source: FamousFriendsOf Canabis

01 Supermarket
02 Horses Mouth
03 My Own Railroad
04 Hipsters Flipsters
05 God's Own Drunk
06 Murder
07 Let It Down
08 Subconscious Mind
09 The Black Cross
10 Lions
11 The Nazz
12 The Gasser
13 Maharaja
14 The Bad Rapping Of The Marquis De Sade

* * *

Hip Spoken Word

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