
Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Editorial: Lawmaker Wants Public PJ Ban

Full Article: CNN  Headline News
Cabbo County Commissioner Michael Williams says he wants to ban people from wearing pajamas in public, because "The moral fiber in America is dwindling ... Because it's pajama pants today, next it will be underwear tomorrow."

VS-UC editorial:
OK, there's serious personal impact here that moves me to speak out on this issue. 
First, if this concept gains momentum around the country it will seriously affect my morning slog out to the mailbox. Having to remove my pajamas first will further shock my already ornery neighbors. Nobody, not even my dogs, wants to see me out of my clothes. I don't like to see that myself.
Second, I like to see ladies/women in pajamas in public because it lubricates my fantasy that they just got out of, or want to get into bed, with ME. Umm, maybe that should have been my first point.
Third, if the ban on pajamas in public somehow leads to wearing only underwear in public, then I support this ban. But there should be a clause stating "for women only, and between the ages of 18 and, say, 35 and only if they are in good shape." Yeah, that's the ticket!

What's next, a ban on Togas Parties? Get serious, Louisiana!

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