Redd Foxx
John Elroy Sanford
St. Louis, Missouri USA
Dec 09 1922 – Oct 11 1991
With piano accompaniment, Redd Foxx relaxes and effortlessly cracks up yet another audience. His humor rings down the years and makes me, a guy who was just in his teens when Foxx was coming out of his prime, laugh my hind-end off.

Throughout the proceedings, however, no one is made uncomfortable. His rebuttals to his hecklers are never cruel and the overall mood of the recording is very light. The jokes are off-color, but far from obscene (whatever that means). Foxx's timing and friendly way of dealing with his audience are things which comedians today would be wise to pick up on. Foxx was one of the true masters of his craft and, for the most part, his delivery was creative and often very subtle. Half of his effectiveness is his dancing around intimate subjects rather than trying to hit the audience over the head with them.
If you're a fan of Redd Foxx, or if you're just someone who would like to be put in a relaxed, happy mood, then this inexpensive disc is the one you should check out. Out of the entire Live and Dirty/Funny series, this and Vol. II are the most effective. Have fun! Source: Amazon02 I Say Shit Because I'm 48, St. Bernard's Shit, WWII Veterans, No More War For Zorro, Soft Richard
03 Chinese Are Clever, Lazy And Shiftless, Get Drunk Tonight
04 You Look Like Jesus, Is That A Gold Tooth, Depression
05 Roach In the Kitchen, Heckler In the Audience, Holding Black People Back
06 True Blue, Pretty Women, Toasts
07 I Didn't Go To College, My Lovely Wife, Whites All Look The Same, Make It Look Hard
08 Row Row Row Your Boat, I Love Mexicans, More Toasts
09 I Hate Midgets, Broad Jumping, Arrested for Rope, I Know Voodoo
10 I've Got Indian In Me, Even More Roasts, Pro In A Bar
11 Sonny Lister's Sister, When You're In Love, Killing Germs
12 Ex-Lax Brothers, I Write Beautiful Music, Jim Cato Intro
Richmond 2152
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Thanks Dr Forrest's Cheeze Factory!
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