Bobcat Goldthwait
Robert Francis Goldthwait
Syracuse, New York, USA
May 26 1962 -
This is a tape made by HBO evidently as an HBO comedy special (although I personally never saw it broadcast) in San Francisco. I think it is vastly better than the previous 'Share the Warmth' video. Bob is funnier and has more clever material in this performance than in the earlier tape. Some of the funniest material on the tape is actually in the introduction and credits as Bob does guest spots on a local radio station. One of the things that I truly like about Bobcat is his spontaneity and interaction with the audience, and this time is no exception. Here he climbs a giant speaker stand to take an aerial shot of the audience with an 'earthquake-cam' effect, he berates and trips over the cameramen, and has a couple of witty dialogues with hecklers, for example. I would never heckle this guy: despite outward appearances, he thinks fast on his feet, and always comes out the winner.
The material is mostly good, but some of it is a bit dated (such as the Oliver North trial) which is really the only reason I gave it only four stars. It is less than an hour long, and has long been out of print, but if you can find a copy at a decent price (and can remember the 1980s well enough to get the jokes), by all means snap one up and prepare for a hilarious encounter with one of the most original and entertaining live comics still working today. Source Amazon by Robert I Hedges

Taped live at the Great American Music Hall in San Francisco.
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