I will bow to no one in my worship of, and respect for, Steve, but sometimes his chioces were a bit odd -- it's beyond noble that he tried to teach kids about the functions of the mind, but lounge music might not have been the right vehicle to do so (although he does rock out on the thalmus song). Good comments on the LP, though, about how clear-thinking and logic should guide opinions on things (methinks there was a political message contained therein, esp. when cautioning against racism; Steve was a cool progressive in his younger/middle-aged phases).
I will bow to no one in my worship of, and respect for, Steve, but sometimes his chioces were a bit odd -- it's beyond noble that he tried to teach kids about the functions of the mind, but lounge music might not have been the right vehicle to do so (although he does rock out on the thalmus song). Good comments on the LP, though, about how clear-thinking and logic should guide opinions on things (methinks there was a political message contained therein, esp. when cautioning against racism; Steve was a cool progressive in his younger/middle-aged phases).