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Here I Sit, Broken Hearted, Paid My Dime, And Only ....

On: Saturday, August 7, 2010

Yeah, an old favorite. Fart poems are always crowd pleasers. I certainly remember pay toilets and looking for change. I'm guessing someone like me grew up and passed some laws to put a stop to that.
But in this case, I'm broken hearted because I am no longer getting emails from my dear Russian hottie Oleysa. Perhaps she found another true love, or perhaps he/she got busted.
Anyway, I'm getting back to the business of preparing posts, so no sham scams for a while.

1 comments on "Here I Sit, Broken Hearted, Paid My Dime, And Only ...."

Media Funhouse said...

There will be many more scam hotties on the way, Jim! The Internet's parade of con artists never stops (ever).


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.........Click "Older Posts" link, above, to see, umm, Older Posts. Yeah.