
Thursday, June 17, 2010

Stan Freberg - Face The Funnies 1962

Stan Freberg
Stanley Victor Freberg
Aug 07 1926 -

01 Opening
02 Elderly Man River    
03 Face the Funnies
04 Zazaloph Family
05 Bang Gunleigh, U.S. Marshall Field
06 Tuned Sheep
07 Incident at Los Voraces Freberg, Barnum
08 Rock Around Romeo and Juliet
09 Florence Chadwick Spectacle
10 Inaugurieties of 1957
11 Gaza Strip Revue
12 Conclusion



  1. Can't EVER get enough Freberg! Thanks!!

  2. I would be highly appreciative, if this page could be updated. Thank you very much for your immense compilation of valuable knowledge. Cheers, OA.

  3. Please read the message at the top of the page about the private blog. It is up to date in the private blog.
