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Album covers

On: Saturday, February 6, 2010

I've gotten better at using Adobe Photoshop and it's been useful as I've made a habit since the turn of the year to improve album covers. Usually a few clicks will improve the color and cleanup the margins. I also size the cover files but in every case keep the original files.
I've finally mastered the technique to fix those skewed images of album covers that you find on eBay - you know the ones, the albums are propped up on a dining room chair and are taken at such a deep angle that the top of the album looks three inches smaller than the bottom. And of course you can see Aunt Rose's tablecloth and turn-of-the-century wallpaper in the margins of the photo.  I've had some pretty good success, drop me a line if you want instructions.
While we are talking about eBay - what the hell is eBay posters' problem with posting track names?  There's 30 lines on delivery options and the description says "Side 1" and "Side 2", like perhaps there will be a 3-sided album (was it National Lampoon or Monty Python that had an album B-side with 2 tracks, so when the turntable arm dropped you had a 50/50 chance of getting 1 or the other?)

{Private thought balloon} I guess I could say something about the myopic geeks who actually wanted to create Dali-esque covers - or perhaps we should blast out a "Bronx cheer" (look it up mid-westerners.) But no, I will refrain from saying anything and sleep well knowing that they can't read my mind or this very small print.

1 comments on "Album covers"

Harry Speakup said...

Python: - They experimented with 5 or 6 grooves, but the needle kept jumping, so they settled with two....

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