
Saturday, April 28, 2012

Jack Paar - The Best Of What's His Name 1960

Jack Paar
Jack Harold Paar
Canton, Ohio, USA
May 01 1918 – Jan 27 2004 age 85
Official Site

I've owned several copies of this obscurity over the course of time and it is the only album I've ever seen on the phallic sounding Ramrod Superrecords. The back cover has an advertisement for Jiffy Sew. The LP is quite funny, consisting of two monologues from The Tonight Show with Jack Paar from 1960 or so. One is from an episode of the program that was broadcast from England, although the album provides zero context, and this is something the listener is pretty much left to themselves to figure out. I've heard a rumor that this was a "premium give-away" promo LP courtesy of NBC, but I don't know if that is true. If it is, it makes the label's name all the more confusing. Source: ClassicTelevisionShowbiz

01 Side 1
02 Side 2

Ramrod LP-776
Thanks Kliph!

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